Add custom CSS
Customize your styles by adding CSS files or adding styles inline.
Add CSS files
To add extra CSS files, add your custom styles to a file—for example,
and add the following options to your Sphinx configuration:
Your custom CSS file is included after the theme’s default CSS.
Because of different CSS specificities,
you might need to add !important
to your CSS styles.
See also
You can’t use Tailwind’s @apply
directive in custom CSS.
Use regular CSS instead.
Extend templates with inline CSS
If you want to add CSS inline,
you can extend the default page
template and override the extrahead
Override CSS custom properties
You can override these custom properties:
The color for hover, focus, and highlight styles
The color for links in the main text.
For example, to change the color of links to green, add a new CSS file or extend the templates and add the following CSS:
:root {
--color-links: green;
See also